Saturday, September 1, 2012

5 Tips for Marketing Effectively With Business Cards

Business cards are a fun way to obtain potential customers and also secure partnership deals with your company. However, if your current card does not follow the five guidelines discussed in this post, after those chances are high you are advertising them all ineffectively.

Here are the five suggestions which may assist you on marketing your business through business cards.

1) Put some kind of special or free offer inside the card

Business Card Free Offer
Your contact info will be normal; however, you need to add a free offer of some type to help you obtain a new lead within your advertising station.

You can provide a free trial of the product or service, or perhaps a no cost review of some sort, or a free kit or package with helpful suggestions and knowledge.

If you're able to take a free offer on your own card, then you'll give your leads an excellent purpose to get hold of and do business together with you.

2) Add more than one contact - email, phone, fax, website and etc.

Business Card Contact
Because I previously stated, your contact details is actually standard, however with your telephone number and address, produce other methods of potential clients get in touch with you. It's fine to use your own e-mail address, your site details, as well as your current fax number.

Not everyone really wants to speak to you by way of telephone, so provide others options for contacting you for you to improve your reaction. You wish to give your opportunities a means of contacting you that's the easiest on their behalf.

3) Utilise the back of your card

Back of Business Card
Most people whenever they receive a business card they look into the back of it. And what exactly do they see? Nothing at all. Nothing. Nonetheless because you've now learned better, this can be the best spot to place recommendations to customers.

When you've got testimonies from existing clients, include them on the back of the business card in order that new leads will see that they want to do business together with you. This can be a good way to illustrate your own experience and also show your trustworthiness all-in-one fell-swoop.

4) Give your cards to customers or the individuals who finds your business exciting

Give Business Card
This works amazing for getting new clients. Each time you speak to your prospects every month, add a free business card and encourage these people to share it with other people. It is a easy way to find referrals, so when they hand your card on their associates, they will also say anything good with regards to you.

To make this idea a lot more efficient, you could add an incentive for passing your business card around.

You may write down your giveaway to the back of your card, and also have a spot for your clients to original it so you are aware the way a new consumer was referred to you. Once the new customer hands you the card, you will know who referred them through initials, and you may send your customer a free reward.

It is not difficult, and it is an effective method to get new business for almost no expenses.

5) Handout your business cards at functions

When you are in a business function and a person asks you whatever you do as a living, share your business card. In case you put into action all the four methods before this one, they will know immediately that you're somebody that they ought to be doing business with. Perhaps even if somebody is not your very best type of customer, hand it out anyhow - some might have an acquaintance that is.

Make sure that you have your business card on you all of the time. You will never know any time you will encounter somebody who are able to use your service. Utilise these five suggestions to promote your business cards to their highest capacity.

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Cheap ways to advertise your company

What are the most efficient ways to advertise your company?

Business Card Sizes
Business Cards
There are plenty of ways to advertise your company (printing, websites, word of mouth, cold calling etc etc…

When starting a business, people fail to have a budget for advertising. Word of mouth is great, but you need business cards and a website, maybe even some flyers to hand out.

When you go to your local printer, sometimes they charge a fortune just for business cards. People then turn to cheap online printers offering free (or close to it) business cards with low quality print on low quality board.

You might say; “Well I’m only just starting my business and they are just a business card.” Right? Well the answer is wrong. Ever heard of the expression ‘first impressions last’?

The same goes with your business. You want to have cards, flyers and a website that stands out to the client. You need them to think; “wow they are nice cards.” It’s all psychological advertising. It works and big companies have been using it since the dawn of advertising.

For example, you are a mobile car wash company and you go to visit a client.

The van that you drive around in is a mess. It’s dirty. What do you think will go through the clients mind?

So how do you get decent business cards, find all your printing needs and website at an affordable price? Don’t have time to look at these things? Want to focus more on the business? Have you ever heard of a print broker?

A print broker is a one-stop print and media shop. They look for the most competitive prices on the market, saving companies, big to small, thousands every year. A print broker does not own any machinery, but get wholesale prices from printing companies. That’s anywhere from screen printing to book printing to digital printing. Some can also do media services. They know the ins and outs, helping you achieve more in these areas.

Are you thinking; “That sounds great, but pretty pricey. How much do they charge?” To the client they charge nothing. That’s right, nothing! Print brokers make their money from the print companies that hire them to get more work. Kind of like a mortgage broker.

I have never heard of a print broker before? Not many serve the general public, going only after large business, but there are some that do and have saved small businesses thousands every year.

So going for the cheap products is not always the best. It’s about getting good quality advertising products and someone that can help you get it right the first time at great wholesale prices.

Visit this website. They are a print broker and have been in business for 15 years and have helped many to start up their companies.